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Great Society: A New History by Amity Shlaes

E books download for mobile Great Society: A New History 9780061706424 by Amity Shlaes

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  • Great Society: A New History
  • Amity Shlaes
  • Page: 528
  • Format: pdf, ePub, mobi, fb2
  • ISBN: 9780061706424
  • Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers

Download Great Society: A New History

E books download for mobile Great Society: A New History 9780061706424 by Amity Shlaes

The New York Times bestselling author of The Forgotten Man and Coolidge offers a stunning revision of our last great period of idealism, the 1960s, with burning relevance for our contemporary challenges. Today, a battle rages in our country. Many Americans are attracted to socialism and economic redistribution while opponents of those ideas argue for purer capitalism. In the 1960s, Americans sought the same goals many seek now: an end to poverty, higher standards of living for the middle class, a better environment and more access to health care and education. Then, too, we debated socialism and capitalism, public sector reform versus private sector advancement. Time and again, whether under John F. Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, or Richard Nixon, the country chose the public sector. Yet the targets of our idealism proved elusive. What’s more, Johnson’s and Nixon’s programs shackled millions of families in permanent government dependence. Ironically, Shlaes argues, the costs of entitlement commitments made a half century ago preclude the very reforms that Americans will need in coming decades. In Great Society, Shlaes offers a powerful companion to her legendary history of the 1930s, The Forgotten Man, and shows that in fact there was scant difference between two presidents we consider opposites: Johnson and Nixon. Just as technocratic military planning by “the Best and the Brightest” made failure in Vietnam inevitable, so planning by a team of the domestic best and brightest guaranteed fiasco at home. At once history and biography, Great Society sketches moving portraits of the characters in this transformative period, from U.S. Presidents to the visionary UAW leader Walter Reuther, the founders of Intel, and Federal Reserve chairmen William McChesney Martin and Arthur Burns. Great Society casts new light on other figures too, from Ronald Reagan, then governor of California, to the socialist Michael Harrington and the protest movement leader Tom Hayden. Drawing on her classic economic expertise and deep historical knowledge, Shlaes upends the traditional narrative of the era, providing a damning indictment of the consequences of thoughtless idealism with striking relevance for today. Great Society captures a dramatic contest with lessons both dark and bright for our own time.

The Great Society | Grove Atlantic
The sequel to All the Way, which won the 2014 Tony for Best Play, The Great Society traces the remainder of LBJ's tumultuous presidency. —Charles Isherwood, New York Times of the most important social programs in U.S. history, while the country descends into chaos over the war and backlash against civil rights. The Great Society Congress
Home > The Great Society Congress December 1966, the 89th United States Congress enacted the most extensive legislative program since the New Deal. Great Society -
In a speech presented at the University of Michigan on May 22, 1964, President Lyndon B. Johnson outlines his vision of a "Great Society," which includes the. LBJ envisions a Great Society in his State of the Union -
L.B.J. envisions a Great Society in his State of the Union address president, to the presidency by the largest popular vote in the nation's history. New Year's Day is the dawn of a new era in Europe, as 11 nations adopt a  Lyndon Johnson's Great Society Education Programs: Unsuccessful
Lyndon Johnson's Great Society initiatives for education have proven ineffective, but promising new approaches will increase parental choice. But a woman known to history as “Mrs. Marlow” did not want Lyndon Johnson's  In 'The Great Society,' a Conflicted Lyndon B. Johnson - The New
In Alexander Harrington's new drama, “The Great Society,” the when Johnson announced he would not seek re-election, takes its history very  Lyndon Johnson's State of the Union Address, Proposing the Great
Lyndon Johnson's State of the Union Address, Proposing the “Great Society” Program achieved a unity of interest among our people that is unmatched in the history of freedom. And so tonight, now, in 1965, we begin a new quest for union. The Fierce Urgency of Now: Lyndon Johnson -
Editorial Reviews. Review. Sam Tanenhaus, The New Yorker: “The Fierce Urgency of Now, A majestic big-picture account of the Great Society and the forces that shaped it, the most transformative agenda in American political history since the New Deal, one whose ambition and achievement have had no parallel since. Lyndon B. Johnson: Domestic Affairs | Miller Center
Johnson labeled his ambitious domestic agenda "The Great Society. . (2) "good character" tests which required existing voters to vouch for new registrants and  Lyndon Johnson's Great Society - ThoughtCo
President Lyndon Johnson's Great Society program resulted in some the most impactful arrays of new domestic policy programs in the history